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YaMOE Knows Golf: Swing Changes

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Hello Golf Guys and Gals, 

As a golfer and a golf coach I know the frustrations of attempting, or making a swing change. It can sometimes be a quick fix, but very, very rarely have I seen it be so. In most cases it is a process, and it can be a long process. I do not want to scare anyone away from making a swing change, so I am here to help with what I believe is the proper way to carry one out. 

  • Find a Coach: Having a trained eye will help. A coach will increase the chances of success, and less time then going it alone. Coaches can be found at your local course, indoor facilities, or through remote lessons. If you like the coach you’ve found, stick with him/her and the process you’ve laid out.

In saying this though, be prepared to put in the work. There is very rarely ever a quick fix. Myself and every other coach I know will prescribe you with some homework to do between lessons. Believe it or not, we will know if you’re putting in the work or not.

  • Practice Quality and Consistently: Do NOT waste your time practicing the wrong way because yes, there is a wrong and right way to practice. Quit beating ball after ball in hopes something will click. Instead, purchase a small or medium sized basket, performing lots of practice swings…slow mindful practice swings that exaggerate the new pattern you are trying to implement. In fact, when starting a change, practice swinging at home with no ball in front of a mirror, then proceed to the ball with slow swings. As you get more comfortable and confident, you can amp up the speed.
  • Manage Expectations: It is tough for me to lay out a general time frame for anyone attempting to make a swing change because it is subject to the individual and how much they are willing to practice. What I do ask is for you to be patient. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, swing changes take time. More importantly, it takes more time to take your range game to the course. So, just because you aren’t seeing the results on the course, does not mean you are progressing. Understand this. Understand that time and practice are needed. Trust it, don’t rush it.
  • Don’t Forget the about the Short Game: Continue to make time for working on the 150 yards and in. Yes, you are working on a swing change, but the short game is crucial to shooting lower scores.
  • QUIT TRYING EVERYTHING: If you have found yourself a coach you like and the process he/she has laid out, stick with it. Stay off YouTube and Social Media looking for tips to help you. Listen to you coach. They will have you working on relevant pieces and providing relevant information.


Here is a quick guide when changing your swing…

  • Find a coach you like.
  • Listen to your coach and what they have to say.
  • Start with very slow rehearsals in a mirror or on camera at home with no ball.
  • Start hitting balls with very slow swings and easier to hit clubs, like you 9/8 iron.
  • Amp up the speed and clubs as you get more comfortable.
  • Take it to the course and trust it. This will be hard to do at first, but as you begin playing, you pre-shot routine should change. The practice swings should be an exaggerated movement of what you’re trying to accomplish.


Trust the process Golf Guys & Gals,


Cody Yaremovich
PGA of Canada, Class “A” Professional
GTSC Ambassador

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